To know Christ and to make Him known.

our Community

We gather together for NAV NIGHT (see Instagram @cincynavs for weekly updates).

We also have weekly Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies during the week.


Our motto is To Know Christ, Make Him Known, and Help Others do the Same. We long to see the Gospel expand on campus through everyday people living and making disciples in their contexts. We like to say that we’re a Gospel-centered community that exists not for ourselves, but for our friends who don’t know Christ.


We want to know who God is, and be a safe place for people. We're all about growing in relationship with God and giving our lives away to the next generation – meaning, we want to learn to love God through practical experiences of reading and studying his words (the Bible), and practicing what we pick up by bringing life to our friends, loving them in practical ways and sharing our faith with them.

Our group at the University of Cincinnati is one of over 170 colleges and universities across the nation where The Navigators® have a presence. The Navigators® motto is "To Know Christ and Make Him Known", and we strive to follow that on campus here at UC. 

The Navigators® is an international, interdenominational Christian ministry (founded in 1933) that helps people grow in Jesus Christ as they navigate through life. If you'd like to find out more information about the ministry of the Navigators across the world, head to their home page and explore around.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
— Psalm 133:1 [NIV]

What We'Re Passionate about

  • Scripture Memory

  • Having a blast

  • Hammocking

  • Bible Study

  • Making music

  • Frisbee

  • Talking about real life

  • Pizza

  • Volleyball

  • Prayer

  • Board games

  • Richard the Sail